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Homeopathy Challenges Malnutrition

Homoeopathy Challenges Malnutrition

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In a nation of 1.5 billion people, which also leads in the production of milk, pulses, and spices, malnutrition remains a glaring issue. It acts like a hidden menace, weakening the healthcare system from within and exacerbating serious illnesses due to nutritional deficiencies. Amid growing multi-sectoral engagements in public health, homeopathy shines with promising potential.

Managing Nutritional Deficiencies with Homoeopathy

When integrated with conventional treatments, homeopathy can offer significant support in managing both primary and secondary nutritional deficiencies. This is particularly true in severe conditions like cancer. Malnutrition in children with cancer is more prevalent than generally acknowledged, and it has a detrimental impact on prognosis, often increasing mortality rates. The side effects of heavy medications and chemotherapy, such as anorexia, nausea, and malabsorption, further compromise the patient’s immune system, making it difficult for them to combat the illness.

In such cases, homeopathic remedies like Arsenicum album, Chininum arsenicosum, Iodium, Kreosotum, and Nitricum acidum can improve patients’ tolerance to aggressive allopathic treatments. Homeopathic solutions like X-ray and Phosphorus help counter the side effects of radiotherapy, while Carduus marianus and Hydrastis protect liver function, often compromised in cancer patients. These remedies can help correct deficiencies such as anemia and prevent cachexia in cancer sufferers.

Research Supporting Homoeopathy’s Role in Nutritional Deficiency

Recent research has demonstrated the efficacy of homeopathy in addressing iron deficiency anemia through the use of Ferrum metallicum. Another study focused on Hashimoto’s thyroiditis revealed homeopathy’s role in correcting vitamin D deficiency. Currently, further studies are underway to explore homeopathy’s impact on vitamin D deficiency in broader populations.

These examples reflect the work already being done in the field, but homeopathy has far greater potential. A larger contribution from the homeopathic community is essential to fully realize the system’s ability to combat malnutrition and related health issues.

Dr. Vasundhara Mehrotra

M.D. (hom.)

PhD – Research Scholar

President – Chandigarh (Tricity)

The Homoeo Healers Homoeopathy Worldwide

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